InMode supports the Aesthetic Industry. Message from Dennis Cronje, Managing Director

InMode supports the Aesthetic Industry. Message from Dennis Cronje, Managing Director


InMode Australia is committed to the health and well-being of our employees and their families, our customers, partners, and communities. We value our relationship with industry and the part we play in seeing this industry not only survive but thrive through these very challenging times and we are confident that together we will come through this stronger on the other side. We want to reassure you that we remain open for business.

Our IT and telecommunication servers and backup servers are securely held both offsite and in the cloud. Any hypothetical scenario where an office shutdown was required would not affect our ability to service you. 

In line with the Government’s direction, we are ensuring that our staff follow the advice of health authorities and practice strong hygiene practices, the social distancing laws and the measures in place to reduce the risk to our people and our customers. We are encouraging the use of technology to maintain contact and interaction with our customers through web conferencing, social media interaction, etc. Our commitment to client service will remain unchanged to the extent possible. Our people remain accessible and ready to assist you with any questions or requests you may have. 

The Government has made it very clear that we need to maintain a strong economy and position ourselves well for when we come out of this current situation. To this end, the Government has put in place a number of financial incentives to encourage the investment in new technologies prior to the end of this financial year ending June 30, 2020 and InMode Australia has looked to assist in this initiative by reducing the investment cost on a number of technologies, including the latest Evolve platform to meet the Government’s incentive threshold. 


Incentives include:

  • The federal government’s “extraordinary” expansion of the instant asset write-off scheme to help mitigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the economy by lifting five-fold, to $150,000, the write-off threshold to businesses with annual turnover of up to $500 million. Businesses have until June 30, 2020 to take advantage of the higher limit. The rules allow businesses to immediately write off the cost of assets under the threshold and claim a tax deduction for the business portion of the expense in the first year the asset is used or installed. The instant asset write-off and accelerated depreciation initiatives, is aimed at encouraging investment and allow small and medium-sized businesses to grow;
  • For medical customers that qualify, InMode has worked closely with a finance provider to offer ‘no repayments and no interest for 12 months’ when investing in InMode technology. That means you are able to invest and take receipt and ownership of the technology, train up your staff in a measured time-frame to ensure their proficient use of the technology, treat existing customers on the latest technology ensuring ongoing income, and be well positioned to take full advantage of the expected upturn by offering clients the latest treatment options in market;
  • InMode plans to host regular ‘Free online education sessions’ for all in industry who would like to take advantage so as to up-skill clinic/practice staff while business may be slow or employees may be offsite. These theory and hands-on sessions will be streamed live and will encourage interaction between the trainer and viewers. All who agree to take the post-session assessment and pass, will be issued with a ‘Certificate of Attendance’ from InMode. We will be looking to engage leading physicians in industry who are willing to offer their time and expertise to further education in this sector;
  • InMode will further be engaging with Financial and Tax experts to deliver via streaming and at no charge, a comprehensive analysis of the incentives being offered by Government and what individuals and businesses can do to maximise their benefits when taking up of these incentives;
  • In order to ensure brand awareness for clinics/practices and to drive consumer foot traffic to businesses, InMode has invested significant resources in celebrity endorsement of the brand and has engaged Paula Abdul as Brand-Ambassador. A continued focus on social media including Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc. will be maintained throughout this period.

 We look forward to being of assistance to you. Please be assured of our ongoing support through these difficult times and our unwavering commitment to the aesthetic industry and to you, our valued customers.

Yours truly,

Dennis Cronje
Managing Director, InMode Australia

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