
Flawless In Winter - Why Lumecca Is The Perfect Treatment For Colder Months!

Flawless In Winter - Why Lumecca Is The Perfect Treatment For Colder Months!

Lumecca for winter

What is Lumecca? 

Lumecca IPL  doesn’t just target hyperpigmentation and freckles. It can also target a range of skin uneven skin tone problems, including vascular lesions, port wine stains, facial, truncal and leg telangiectasias, rosacea, erythema of rosacea, angiomas and spider angiomas, poikiloderma of Civatte, superficial leg veins and venous malformations.  

Why winter? 

Skin darkened by the sun is not a good candidate for skin treatments as the laser applies heat or light energy targeting critical areas and stimulates new cell production. Skin that is not suntanned is better for the laser to detect colour contrast. The best time to have laser treatments is during the mid to late winter when summer tans are faded and the skin has paled.

Why does it pay to use Lumecca? 

  • A high efficiency of treatment due to high peak power and optimised output compared to other pigmentation removal procedures. 
  • Complete photo rejuvenation in 1 or 2 treatments for most patients vs. 4-6 treatments with standard IPL’s.
  • Reduces treatment time thanks to large spot size and high pulse repetition rate.
  • Strong sapphire cooling tip results in higher treatment comfort.

What can Lumecca do for you?

Lumecca is an Intense Pulsed Light treatment that targets the following conditions: 


Pigmentation is the discolouration on the skin that is darker than the natural skin pigment. It can look like freckles, or larger spots on the skin. It’s caused by a number of factors, including sun exposure, hormonal changes and aging. 

Age spots

These are flat, oval areas of increased pigmentation. They are usually tan to dark brown in appearance. Age spots, known to happen over years, happen on skin that has had the most sun exposure over the years on the body such as the face, shoulders, backs of hands, upper back and tops of feet.


Rosacea, or acne rosacea, is a skin inflammation that affects the face. It is exclusively to the face and is non-contagious though it can appear quite angry in appearance. The small surface blood vessels (capillaries) of the skin enlarge, giving the appearance of a permanent flush. The forehead, cheeks and chin may develop yellow-headed pimples. Unlike acne, rosacea does not scar.

Lumecca for age spots


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