Vanish Vascular Lesions with InMode
Pigment and Vascular Lesions

Vanish Vascular Lesions with InMode

Vascular lesions are a common concern among patients, and, as such, it is important that your clinic offers effective and safe skin remodelling solutions.  InMode’s Lumecca and Vasculaze treatment...

Pigment and Vascular LesionsA Doctor's Choice - Lumecca as the Revolutionary Solution to IPL Skin Rejuvenation

A Doctor's Choice - Lumecca as the Revolutionary Solution to IPL Skin Rejuvenation

As the aesthetics industry starts to settle back into a new norm of functioning and patients are looking to treat concerns that might have gone unnoticed before long days at home or may have devel...

Pigment and Vascular LesionsHow IPL Repairs Sun Damage

How IPL Repairs Sun Damage

The sun is the source of all energy, and when it shines down on our skin, it makes vitamin D and helps keep us healthy. But too much of a good thing, even sunshine, can lead to adverse effects tha...